Friday, September 18, 2009

Farewell (for now)

Photo by kootrita

I won't be updating this blog anymore–at least for a long while. It was fun while it lasted! I definitely needed it while taking my year off from college. Now that I've returned I need to concentrate on my educational goals (but who knows, the blogging bug may strike again!)

If you want to hear about what I'm up to, you can follow my Twitter. I also still make the occasional set on Polyvore if you want to know what styles I'm currently digging!

Sincere thanks to all my readers.


  1. Aw, bummer! But like you say - it was fun while it lasted.

    Yay, college!

  2. It was great fun watching you. I'll miss your insights & observations, mostly because now I'll have to ask for them myself instead of coming here to check them out. *Ironic sigh* oh well.


    See you 'round Thanksgiving?
